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Fest ‘Oie

The Annual Goose Festival in Sarlat

Every first weekend in March, Sarlat celebrates the famous Foie Gras, the goose and everything associated with this gourmet fare.

One of the Dordogne Valley’s most famous dishes…

The historic Renaissance town of Sarlat is famous for having the largest market in the Dordogne Valley (Wednesdays and Saturdays). Market day or not, when you explore the heart of Sarlat, apart from being struck by the beauty of its architecture you might also notice the sheer volume of artisanal Foie Gras shops that pepper the city centre. Goose and duck pâté is one of the famous food delicacies of the Dordogne Valley.

Family recipes and age old techniques are handed down from generation to generation in order to create this gourmet speciality. To celebrate the local farmers and producers of Foie Gras, and the geese that make it possible, the Fest’Oie Festival is held every first weekend in March. An unmissable foodie festival in the Dordogne Valley.

More gastronomic goose dishes than you can poke a stick at

Sarlat is turned over to a celebration of the Goose. The Saturday market day comes alive to the sound of gaggles of honking geese waddling through the city centre, sheparded by the farmers who raise them. Bands playing traditional French music stroll around town and the seductive aromas of cooking stands fill the air.

There are games and activities for the kids and all things goose are feted in every which way. You can explore what’s on offer and more importantly taste it! The cobbled streets of the centre of Sarlat are filled with stands whipping up a huge variety of goose and duck based dishes. There are also cooking demonstrations so you can learn some of these traditional French cooking techniques to try at home.

Banquet Time

If this isn’t tempting enough you can always sign up for the traditional banquet on Saturday night – La soirée Bodég’oie. Held in the medieval heart of Sarlat, you can sit amongst the locals in heated marquees and sample the feast, prepared by the leading restaurateurs of Sarlat, all from only one hundred percent local produce.
So much is on offer, including Sarladaise potatoes (delicious sautéed potatoes cooked in duck fat), goose sausages, and of course – Foie Gras. This culinary overload is complimented with ample quantities of local beers and wines from the Dordogne Valley. Party like a local and join in the festive fun.

All you can eat - Dordogne Valley style

The next day, on Sunday, a massive lunch is staged seating 800 or so dinners in the middle of Sarlat. On the menu is every combination of local goose and duck dishes you can imagine. In between eating at long wooden tables (and not to mention drinking) you can indulge your inner gluttonous devil. A buffet style of some 15 dishes including the famous Foie Gras is served on an all you can eat basis (we dare you!).

Heaps of fun, it’s a taste of French culture at its best and a sampling of the Dordogne Valley’s finest regional products including some smashing wines and local beers.

Places for both meals can be reserved directly through the Sarlat Tourist Office.