A magical underground world in the Proumeyssac depths
Nicknamed “The Devil’s Hole” and surrounded by fearsome legends said to have taken place here since the 18th century, Proumeyssac Cave has been fascinating people for generations! You simply can’t miss the biggest cave experience in Périgord in the Vézère Valley…
Are you ready for a 360° adventure? We decide to take the basket ride down just like when Proumeyssac Cave was discovered in 1907! After venturing through the 12m thick rock, it’s time to descend almost 50m deep… An absolutely spellbinding world appears below with incredibly impressive stalagmites and underground lakes…
What makes it even more magical is the sound and light show screened on the cave walls. It’s such a beautiful place that you get goosebumps… You’ll see why people describe Proumeyssac Cave as the Crystal Cathedral…
If you don’t fancy a basket ride then you can take a tunnel to into the cave.